Lakeside Lara | News

A toast(ie) to the future: Exploring what a day in the life could look like at Lakeside Lara

Picture this: You’ve retired, you’re clinking glasses to celebrate your next chapter, and you’re figuring out what’s next. A happy toast, but possibly an overwhelming question. Sometimes the future can involve a pretty significant change, like downsizing from your family home. So what better way to find out if it’s the right decision for you than to see for yourself what your new lifestyle could look like?

We invited future residents to get a taste for life at Lakeside Lara at our recent Toasties and Tours event, where attendees explored our resort-style facilities and enjoyed a yummy lunch prepared by MasterChef royalty, Tim Bone.

“Giving people the opportunity to get acquainted with the daily goings on not only helps with reassurance it also builds connections, even before they move-in they already feel part of our wonderful Community” said Lakeside Lara Sales Manager Dianna McGrath.

With Lakeside Lara’s newest resort-style facilities opening just a few months ago, providing residents even more spaces for connection and interaction, it was a great opportunity for future residents to see just how much is happening in the community.

“With the new spaces, as well as what we already had at Lakeside Lara, we’re seeing new friendships forming and more hobbies being explored by our residents, and I think it’s great for outsiders to see that, because it gives them a taste of what life could be like,” said Dianna.

You can read more about the newly opened state-of-the-art Community Hub and facilities here, or get in touch to book a tour and see the Lakeside Lara lifestyle for yourself.

We look forward to sharing a toast(ie) with if you decide to celebrate your next chapter at Lakeside Lara.