Morisset | News

Growth and opportunities on the horizon for Morisset residents

Both Lake Macquarie City Council and the NSW Government has recognised Morisset as a location of strategic significance.  This is an exciting step in Morisset’s future – but what does this mean for residents now and our future residents at Ingenia’s flagship community launching soon?

Why has Morisset been recognised as a location of strategic significance?

  • Direct & easy access to M1
  • Main north railway line
  • Infrastructure & land availability
  • Gateway to natural areas – Watagans and Lake Mac
  • Growing lifestyle and tourism market
  • Proximity to Central Coast, Newcastle/Hunter and Sydney


What does this mean for residents now and into future?

It means that Morisset has an even brighter future and that both local and state government have a significant interest in ensuring successful and sustainable growth of the area, whilst protecting and enhancing what people already love about Morisset.  

Lake Macquarie City Council has commenced development of the Morisset Place Strategy which will help guide the future plans for the area and welcomes feedback.  You can read more about it here.


What are the objectives of the Place Strategy for Morisset?

  1. Enabling more diverse and affordable housing
  2. Improved transport and access to services within 15min
  3. Evolving Morisset Central Precinct as place for businesses and social life
  4. More access to open space, recreation and community facilities
  5. Well designed, regenerative built form where people want to live and work
  6. Facilitate the growth of globally competitive businesses
  7. Enhance and celebrate local heritage, culture and creativity
  8. Enhance biodiversity, conservation areas and corridors


Source: Place Strategy Discussion Paper

Witness Morisset’s transformative growth and seize immense opportunities as future residents. Contact us today 1800 135 010.