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Decluttering Part 1 – What brings you joy?

What brings you joy?
Many of us look forward to downsizing as a way to allow ourselves more time to do the things we want to enjoy.
Ingenia Lifestyle residents tell us that decluttering and downsizing their home has allowed them to live a life where they can travel and spend more time living rather than cleaning and maintaining a large house.

But one of the major factors to consider before downsizing is what to do with all your ‘stuff’?
The KonMari Method™ is a future-focused, positive framework to organise your home, it guides you to make decisions on what to keep and what to let go, based on your own personal values, the life you want to lead and what brings you joy.

By learning to organise your belongings you will discover how much more efficiently you can use your new space and have a functional beautiful home.

Tidying Up with the KonMari Method™ and Gemma Quinn, Master KonMari™ Consultant
Facing the fact you have a life full of possessions cluttering up spare rooms, cupboards, garages, storage sheds and anywhere else can be confronting.

The art of tidying up can help you focus on what’s more important and turn, what seems like a rather intense mission, into a memory making journey.

By using the KonMari Method™, which focuses on what you want to keep not what you want to let go, you have a far more powerful and effective decluttering process.

Over 11 million books have been sold, a twice Emmy nominated Netflix series and most importantly, people are transforming their homes and lives.

Australia’s first certified KonMari™ Consultant and an Evaluator for KonMari™ Media, Inc., Gemma Quinn, takes us through the basics of the innovative method that has swept the world by storm.

“I take people on a path to self-discovery, mindful living and fulfilment,” Gemma said.
“In my time working with downsizers, I understand the importance of their possessions and the emotional importance they have.

“My approach is to display a system they can apply to their home that will allow them to not feel burdened by their belongings and the way things are stored.

“Many people I have worked with are looking to downsize their home, but they don’t know where to start on deciding what to keep and what to discard.”

Pressure points for clients can include:
– Fear of a difficult process
– Moving home and unsure of the journey
– Not wanting to let go of things because of ‘monetary value’
– Dealing with your belongings is dealing with your emotions. It’s hard.

Some of Gemma’s favourite quotes from Marie Kondo, the creator of the KonMari Method™ include:

“There’s only two reasons why we can’t let go of something; holding on to the past and fear for the future.”

“If you have a foot in the past and a foot in the present, you’re not living.”

It’s important to note the KonMari Method™ is not about minimalism.
It’s about being surrounded by possessions that spark joy and are useful. If it makes you happy, have it in your life.

Using this method will help you to organise your home and belongings for yourself to live a life where you’re not pressured to hold on to items you no longer need.

Completing the six steps to the KonMari Method™ can be one of the most rewarding experiences in your life.

1. Commit yourself to tidying up
2. Imagine your ideal lifestyle
3. Tidy by category, not by location
4. Follow the right order
5. Ask yourself if it sparks joy
6. Finish letting go first

Gemma said the KonMari Method™ is an ongoing practice similar to yoga, golf or dancing.

“Just like anything that requires skill, you change and improve your practice as you go.

“My own initial tidying marathon to compete all the categories took me three months for a one bedroom apartment for one person.

“The number one important step is to give everything a home,” Gemma said.

Download: Taking a positive approach to your tidy up