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Daphne and Peter share how they’ve started living

Five months ago, Daphne and Peter sold their 4-acre Glenview property and downsized to Ingenia Lifestyle’s Nature’s Edge community – a decision they say was the best thing they’ve ever done.

“The general upkeep of the grounds, the mowing and maintenance was too much. We didn’t want to get to the point where we hated where we were living. We wanted to walk away with only happy memories of the home,” Daphne said.

“We looked around six or so over 50s communities in the area but Nature’s Edge really stood out to us. Nature’s Edge felt like home. When we viewed our house, I said to Peter, this is it! This is the one for us! It was absolutely perfect.”

“It was one of those things where everything fell into place, finding Nature’s Edge was meant to be, it was fate.”

The couple, who met more than 20 years ago while volunteering through the Make a Wish Foundation say they now have more time to enjoy the things they love, including volunteering in the broader community.

“Peter and I both do lots of voluntary work, he does the food collection for the Rosie’s organisation where they collect food for homeless and prepare meals for them. He’ll will visit local businesses on the Sunny Coast and collect their donations and will also do a breakfast for the homeless at the local church every Tuesday.”

“Both Peter and I do quite a bit with the local Pyjama Angels, which supports kids in and out of foster care. I visit some local children and read books from time to time which is very rewarding for me.”

Peter said one of the benefits of living at Nature’s Edge is the prime location.

“It’s 20 minutes from shopping centres and half an hour maximum in traffic going somewhere. We’re in a very central location where we can get out into the wider community and do things we enjoy. It’s a wonderful location and a wonderful way of life here at Nature’s Edge.”

Daphne loves the friendly and comfortable atmosphere in the community, saying she looks forward to the Friday afternoon social catch ups.

“Peter and I have been invited to gather in a little parking spot where we bring some nibblies, drinks and our chairs for an afternoon of fun. It’s a great way to get to know people! I’ve also found that Peter sits out the front quite a bit, if I’m cooking dinner he will sit out there and read a book and say hello to our neighbours walking by with their dogs.”

“I don’t think he gets a lot of reading done, but he has made a lot of friends! It’s always felt right from the start that we’re a part of the community. It’s a lovely feeling.”