Over 55s lifestyle living

The difference between over 55s land lease communities and retirement villages

The differences between an over 55s land lease community and conventional retirement living options include the level of personal and medical care provided and the financial and legal frameworks governing the accommodation arrangements.

Ingenia Lifestyle operates under the innovative land lease model. Residents enjoy many of the benefits of conventional home ownership along with the benefits of leasing the land, an arrangement offering an easier life, greater flexibility, and financial security.

Loan and Licence Agreements favoured by retirement villages are quite different, with terms and conditions that vary between facilities but commonly include a deferred management fee payable at the end of the tenancy. While both over 55 communities and retirement villages are designed for residents to ‘age in place’ the latter tend to have a greater focus on care for more elderly and less able residents.

Deferred management fees (DMF) or exit fees

If you’ve been researching your options, you will have come across the terms ‘deferred management fees’ (DMF) or ‘exit fees’. These are fees charged by retirement villages if – for any reason – you decide to move on. How these fees are calculated vary, but they are usually a good chunk of any unused portion of the up-front payment and in most cases would range from tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The land lease model under which Ingenia Lifestyle operates is very different. There are no exit fees – AT ALL. For many of our residents, their Ingenia Lifestyle property is their forever home. However, should you ever wish to sell your Ingenia Lifestyle home, you sell it as you would any other property. In the event of your passing, you can bequeath your Ingenia home to your partner or children, free and clear.

Key differences at a glance

Even beyond the deferred management fee, many find the land lease model the more financially prudent option. The table below highlights some of the key differences from a hip pocket perspective.

Land lease communities Retirement villages
The contract A simple and transparent contract Contracts can be complex and provisions vary significantly between facilities, making like-for-like comparison difficult.
Who owns what While you lease the land, you own your own home. There is no stamp duty payable. You own neither the home, nor the land. It is a rental-style agreement.
Rent assistance The cost of renting the land can be offset and even covered entirely by rent assistance. If the buy-in cost is greater than $203,000, rent assistance does not apply.
Ongoing costs There are no rates, strata fees or anything else to pay. The site fee covers it all. On top of lease fees, a recurring charge is levied to cover services, rates and maintenance.
Profit and loss Should you sell your home, all capital gain is yours to keep. The proprietor usually takes 50-100% of any capital gain.
Appreciating assets An Ingenia Lifestyle home is a bequeathable asset, just like any other property. Beneficiaries are entitled to sell the home, or if suitable, move in. In the event of death, the proprietor is required to repay an ‘exit entitlement’ based on the unused portion of the deposit. It can be quite a complex process.


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How it works

Why Ingenia Lifestyle

The benefits of the land lease model

Our land lease model means no exit fees or stamp duty and you’ll keep any capital gains, so your money keeps working for you, now and into the future.

Free up money

Free up capital without compromising on a new home in a desirable location.

Low maintenance living

Enjoy peace of mind in a home and community created for relaxed, easy living for years to come.

No exit fees or stamp duty

No exit fees or stamp duty leaves more money for living the life you choose.

Keep any capital gains

When the time comes to sell your home, you keep 100% of any capital gains.

Discover the Ingenia difference in our unique communities across, Queensland, New South Wales & Victoria, each one in a nature-rich location; by the sea, on the coast, surrounded by bush or peaceful hinterland. For a future defined by peace of mind and easy, enjoyable living, you can’t go past Ingenia Lifestyle. There’s truly a place for everyone.

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